During times of stress or when fatigue levels are running high, it is so important to include plenty of rest and recharge time into your schedule, particularly when it feels as though you don't have the time for it. With this in mind, everyones ideals of relaxing moments are different. Some enjoy reading a novel, others take bath, whilst some go for a stroll, or listen to their favourite playlist. There are also those who benefit from a more structured or scheduled quiet time such as their favourite spa or massage treatment.

Whatever the activity, it can be so helpful to have it to look forward to at the end of a busy period. Booking that appointment adding it into your calender can already bring relief to those tired and aching muscles. Sometimes your body is so efficient at telling you what you need and if that is rest, then your muscles may be screaming out to you for some pampering, or your brain telling you it is tired and needs time out.
With the soothing sounds of spa music playing, a warm and comfortable massage table to relax on, and the blissful scent of massage oil applied to your skin, who wouldn't feel their relaxation levels rising.
To add an extra layer of relaxation and ease into the mix, having the option of a mobile massage on Aucklands North Shore means that you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home. We all know that Auckland traffic is less than fun to be stuck in so let that be a problem for your mobile massage therapist. Whats even better is that you can book an appointment online, and purchase a gift voucher for your loved ones all at the same time.